Tom Olzak

Archive for May, 2010|Monthly archive page

FUD: Scientist Installs Virus-Infected RFID in His Body

In Application Security, Biometrics, Hacking, Privacy on May 27, 2010 at 10:13

Recently, a scientist in the UK was interviewed (Scientist Installs Virus-Infected RFID in His Body) about his work with malware-infected RFID devices implanted in humans.  There is no discussion in the video about the difficulty involved or how input validation techniques can easily defeat any real attack against a person or a group of people.  So this ended up being just one more way to scare the hell out of people for no good reason.

Important Announcement for MySQL Users

In Application Security, Data Security on May 15, 2010 at 11:34

According to Open MySQL security holes, the newest upgrade to MySQL plugs three important security holes, among others.